Good degree and university (for the most part)

Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
Engineering and management is a solid degree and most certainly unique in the sense that it is the only engineering bachelor of the sort that could be done primarily in English here in Germany. There are certain aspects that I don't like when looking at crowding problems for instance in the library. The English knowledge of most professors is good and the methods of teaching are typically adequate enough for one to learn most of the content in class.

If I can add one piece of criticism concerning the university it would be regarding the Career Service department. While this may not necessarily concern EGM exclusively, most degrees here, including EGM, have a so-called Vorpraktikum (aka "pre-studies" internship) requirement. I say it in quotes because in reality it is a 6-8 week internship that must be completed before the end of the third semester. The main issue is, especially for international students, that completing that sort of internship in Germany is not as simple as it may sound considering the existence of such department, job fairs throughout the year, strong regional job market, etc. For one, most (95%+, although I am yet to discover one, I am reluctant to say 100% since there might be the odd exception) companies in the region/state seem to be only willing to hire for 3 or more months at a time, a time frame longer than any break we have available. Secondly, all of these companies (understandably) require a minimum level of German of around B1, which unless you have previous German knowledge, you won't achieve until the end of the 3rd semester... at which point the deadline is up. Having contacted the Career Service department in the past (and knowing of people who have been in the situation above and have also contacted them), asking if they have any recommendations for the kind of company profile or characteristics one should look for when in search for such a short-term placement, they always back out and say one has to look at the job postings of companies and that there's nothing more they can do, as if *advising* (not to be confused with looking for specific job placements) was outside of their scope of responsibility. All of these factors usually leaves most EGM students in a situation where they have to go back to their home countries to complete their internship, or where they "complete" an internship.

The extent to which the CS team helps students in matters concerning their labor market is very limited and based not only in my personal experience, but also that of several other fellow students, they seem to me like a redundant department of this university that I could only categorize as a gross misuse of taxpayers' money, bar any legal obligations that may require having this organization and individuals around.

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Pavel , 16.09.2023 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Wajeeh , 21.02.2023 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Sadek , 02.02.2023 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Rostislav , 02.02.2023 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Muhammad , 27.09.2022 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Tuba , 01.09.2022 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
David , 27.07.2022 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Zini Dika , 14.06.2022 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Chris , 24.12.2021 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)
Linda , 27.10.2021 - Engineering and Management (B.Eng.)

Über N.

  • Alter: 21-23
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Studienbeginn: 2020
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Standort Ingolstadt
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 08.12.2022
  • Veröffentlicht am: 12.12.2022