
Create the world of tomorrow with creative solutions for the complex landscape of our cities and spaces. Our innovative Master's degree program Urban Planning and Sustainable Transformation is tailor-made for visionaries who are ready to tackle contemporary challenges in the field of spatial design. Become a part of it and shape the future!
Vorlesung im Grünen
Quelle: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe


2 Semester tooltip
Master of Arts
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1. Semester

Research Tools and Methods

  • Introduction to research tools and methods in science, technology and design.

Research Plan and Project

  • Introduction: Interdisciplinary conference
  • Research: Individual studies on contemporary challenges and positions in urban planning. Critiques, lectures and discourses in the Master Studio
  • Development: Approach to an individual thesis topic. Explorations, excursions, experiments, self-study, critiques, interviews, performances, stand-ups, etc.
  • Reflection: Review and modification of the thesis topic by setting your own priorities. Critiques, workshops, observations, etc.
  • Conclusion: Presentation and colloquium on the thesis exposé and the learning outcomes during the semester

2. Semester

Master's thesis

  • Processing: Individual thematic processing that reflects the state of science, social and ecological challenges, urban development processes, professional profile, etc.
  • Exhibition: Individual concept for “Telling the Story”
  • Presentation: Public presentation and colloquium of the thesis project

Focus areas/advance courses

Students can choose their own specialization during the Master's degree course. There are no thematic restrictions.

  • Bachelor's degree or diploma in urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture or another degree program in the context of spatial transformation
  • portfolio
  • Letter of application
  • Successful participation in a selection and motivation interview
  • English language level: B2

There are three alternative routes for the winter semester 2024/25:

  • With a Bachelor's degree of 180 credits, you can apply, but you must first successfully complete a two-semester 60-credit preparatory course, including a one-semester study-integrated internship and one semester of study.

  • With a Bachelor's degree of 210 credits, you can apply, but must successfully complete a one-semester, 30-credit internship before beginning the Master's program.
  • With a Bachelor's degree of 240 credits, you can apply and start the Master's program directly.

Study places on the Master's degree program in Urban Planning and Sustainable Transformation are allocated through a selection process.

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Vorlesung im Grünen
Quelle: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe


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Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
+49 (0)5261 702 2535

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Wie sieht die Stadt der Zukunft aus? Riesige, mehrspurige Schnellstraßen? Grünflächen auf den Dächern von Hochhäusern? Ein buntes Nebeneinander von historischen Gebäuden und hochmodernen Glaspalästen? Entscheidest du dich für das Stadt- und Regionalplanung Studium grübelst du nicht nur privat über solche und ähnliche Fragen, sondern wirst aktiv und nimmst die Aufgabe der Stadt von Morgen selbst in die Hand!

Stadt- und Regionalplanung studieren


¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.2024