
Strictly, the term “Photonics” stands for the science of photon. Today the term incorporates many novel disciplines. In the essence, it is related to four application areas, where “Photonics” is used to combine applied research and development. These are:

  • Laser and light material interaction
  • Industrial manufacturing
  • Illumination and displays
  • Biophotonics in the domain of Life Science

Specifically “Photonics” not only denotes the particle properties of light, the term incorporates all practical applications of optics, and the potential to create, transport and process optical signals. Photonic techniques are used in various fields, e.g. the combination of medical problems and photonic technologies proved to exhibit a high economical potential.

This course is for students that want to achieve special knowledge of innovative technologies in Photonics. Additionally this course adresses working people with bachelor‘s degree, that seek a higher occupational qualification by master’s degree. These people study extra-occupationally without losing their job. The course prepares people looking for a PhD position afterwards. Thereby students can be accepted into the photonic research center (Center for Optical Technologies) of Aalen University as well.

Language of instruction is English. You gain practical exercises by laboratory work and seminars during two semesters. Additional soft skills studies will prepare the students for a future career in industry.

Letzte Bewertungen

Alexander , 21.02.2024 - Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)
Leon , 17.02.2024 - Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)
Anonym , 09.11.2022 - Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)
Valentin , 08.11.2022 - Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)
L. , 08.11.2022 - Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)


3 - 4 Semester tooltip
Master of Science
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Prerequisites for Admission:

  • a high quality Bachelor or Diploma degree in Physics or Engineering, e.g. in Electronics, Optoelectronics etc.
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With this one, you go through the training to become a Master of Engineering in the usual way. You can either do your Master's thesis in the research laboratories of the Center for Optical Technologies, or at one of our industrial partners.

You apply for a study place in the regular way.

Sommer- & Wintersemester
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Here you also go through the regular training to become a Master of Engineering. In addition, however, further elements from practice are integrated into the study program in cooperation with a company. You will work on average one day per week (8-20 hours/week) and during the semester breaks actively on topics from the environment of an "Optical Engineer" in the industry. The master thesis also takes place at the respective industrial partner. This option allows you to gain insights into the work of a company and, if necessary, to finance your studies completely on your own.

Note: If required, an extension of the study period is possible.

Two steps are necessary to apply for such a study place:

1. apply for a place at one of our partner companies. Information about our industrial partners can be obtained by sending an email to Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinrich.

2. regular application for a study place.

Sommer- & Wintersemester
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Compared to the professionally integrated study program, the research-integrated study program offers the opportunity to work in several different research fields and thus to get a comprehensive idea of the numerous opportunities that are available for the final thesis or even after graduation. In addition, you not only get to know different research fields, but also many different pieces of laboratory equipment.

If you are interested in this option:

1. find out as early as possible on the site of the Center for Optical Technologies and make a note of any questions you may have.

2. contact Prof. Dr. Andreas Heinrich by email:

3. we invite you to get to know us and to an interview.

4. you apply regularly for a study place.

Sommer- & Wintersemester
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Graduates of the Photonics Master course are particularly well-educated for a leading position in research and development, where good theoretical knowledge of physics and optics are combined with practical experience:

  • Development and application of lasers and laser systems
  • Design and development of optical instruments
  • Novel techniques for illumination and displays
  • Design and application of medical systems for diagnosis and therapy
  • Design and fabrication of micro and nanoptics
  • Biomedical optical microscopy
  • Laser and light material interaction

Graduates of the Photonics Master course also have the opportunity to do a docotrate within our Research Academy.

Quelle: Aalen University

Aalen School of Applied Photonics (AASAP)

Discover the power of light - and start your career with us.

The Aalen School of Applied Photonics (AASAP) offers multidisciplinary educational programs in the field of optical and photonic technologies. It covers a wide range of scientific aspects with potential product applications in important economic sectors such as information and communication technologies, medicine and health, manufacturing and energy consumption. Optical technologies make a significant impact on present and future employment and value creation. They also play a major role in research, teaching and further education. Photonics is a key technology that has mastered the balancing act between tradition and transformation.

You can join us at any point along your career path. Be it as a student for the Bachelor's program in Optical Engineering, as a Bachelor's graduate for the Master's program in Applied Photonics or the Research Master's, as a Master's graduate for a doctorate in one of our research centers Center for Optical Technologies (ZOT) and LaserApplicationCenter (LAZ) or as an employee. We qualify you for positions in industry, scientific research, teaching and much more.

Quelle: Aalen University

The Optical Engineering degree course is one of the few degree courses to have its own research facility - the Center for Optical Technologies (ZOT).
The ZOT comprises 6 working groups:

  • "Optics Technology" led by Prof. Rainer Börret with a focus on robotics in the optical industry
  • "Light-Matter Interaction" led by Prof. Dr. Anne Harth, with a focus on ultrashort pulse lasers, among other things
  • "Micro- and Nanophotonics" headed by Prof. Andreas Heinrich with a focus on additive manufacturing (3D printing) of optics and optical systems
  • "Vision Research Lab" led by Prof. Dr. Judith Ungewiß, focusing on perception and driving simulation
  • "Biophotonics" headed by Prof. Dr. Andreas Walter with a focus on the visualization of cell mechanisms
  • "Opto-Electronics" led by Prof. Dr. Peter Zipfl with a focus on optoelectronic components and sensor technology

In total, more than 50 people work at ZOT - from student assistants to bachelor's and master's students to doctoral candidates. Accordingly, the ZOT is also equipped with a very well-developed infrastructure in order to be able to carry out internationally visible research. In 2017, for example, a ZOT bachelor's thesis received the "Best Paper Award" at Photonics West (a conference with over 20,000 participants) in San Francisco.

Quelle: Aalen University

The LaserApplicationCenter (LAZ) is affiliated to the study program Mechanical Engineering Production and Management and is part of the Center for Optical Technologies (ZOT). The cooperation within the university with other centers and institutes creates enormous synergies. Joint research topics in the fields of materials research, surface technology, FEM simulation, foundry technology, optical technologies and energy-efficient production are dealt with.

For us, the laser is a fascinating tool with boundless potential and a special appeal. We focus on laser material processing. At the LAZ we use powerful lasers to research advanced processes with innovative materials. Our research work has two main focuses: laser material processing of innovative materials and new processes of laser material processing.

The innovative materials are also used in the field of lightweight construction. Examples are the hybrid joining of mixed metallic compounds, the laser machining processes for the composite material of hollow sphere structures and the laser welding of die-cast aluminium.

The new processes are the laser polishing or laser smoothing of steel or aluminium surfaces (in combination with surface layer hardening and subsequent tempering for steel), the high-temperature capillary gap brazing of steel tubes for permanently loadable, vibration-resistant joints and the targeted modification of surface properties by different laser processing methods.

Quelle: Aalen University

Miriam Bischoff
Hochschule Aalen

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Rundum interessantes und zielführendes Studium

Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)


Der Studiengang bietet eine sehr gute Vertiefung in die Physik im allgemeinen und die Photonik im speziellen. Die Kommunikationswege zu den Professor*innen sind kurz und die Labore bieten einen guten Einstieg in die Praxis. Die direkte Nähe zu Firmen der Branche sorgt für gute Kontakte in die Berufswelt.
10/10 would recommend.

Man fühlt sich wie daheim

Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)


Die Atmosphäre ist äußerst familiär und unterstützend, wodurch Studierende sich stets willkommen fühlen und ohne Hemmungen Fragen an den Professor stellen können. Darüber hinaus wird den Studierenden die Möglichkeit geboten, ihre Interessen zu verfolgen und sich auf ein Fachgebiet ihrer Wahl zu spezialisieren, was ein individuelles und maßgeschneidertes Lernerlebnis ermöglicht.

Vielseitig und praxisorientiert

Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)


Durch das breite Angebot an Wahlfächern findet jede*r die für sich passenden Studieninhalte oder Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Ein großes Plus ist das berufsintegrierte Konzept, das es erlaubt im Berufsleben bereits Praxiserfahrung zu sammeln und eine Anwendungsmöglichkeit der vermittelten Inhalte bietet.

Vertiefung aus Interesse

Applied Photonics (M.Sc.)


Ich habe den Studiengang aus Interesse zu der Thematik gewählt und bin damit voll zufrieden. Die Beschreibung des Studienganges passt. Die Möglichkeit des berufsintegrierenden Studiums ist ebenfalls sehr entgegenkommend für Leute, die bereits an regelmäßiges Einkommen gewohnt oder sogar angewiesen sind.

Verteilung der Bewertungen

  • 5 Sterne
  • 9
  • 3 Sterne
  • 2 Sterne
  • 1 Stern


  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung

In dieses Ranking fließen 9 Bewertungen aus den letzten 3 Jahren ein. Dieser Studiengang hat insgesamt 16 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein.


  • 100% empfehlen den Studiengang weiter
  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter


¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.2024