
More than 10 years of success: The part-time study program "Master Online Advanced Oncology" is a worldwide unique continuing medical education (CME) program in English for physicians and scientists who work in oncology or in areas related to oncology. The continuing education ist designed as a blended learning program: participants learn 90% online through self study, 10 % of the content is taught during attendance seminars.
„Master Online Advanced Oncology“ introduces you to the rationale of current therapy recommendations for solid tumors and malignancies of haematopoietic origin and their underlying molecular causes. The offer is completed by a bespoke course of management in health care organizations as well as personal coaching.
Participants benefit from the knowledge of renowned oncological specialists as well as from the international community with a vital alumni network.

Villa Eberhardt - Stay during the attendance seminars
Quelle: Uni Ulm

Berufsbegleitendes Studium

4 Semester tooltip
19.500 €¹
Master of Science
Link zur Website

Proof of a degree from a German or foreign college or university

  • in a medical course of studies (e.g. State examination in medicine) at a German or foreign university or a degree recognised as equivalent at the level of usually four years of study or 240 ECTS credits as well as at least one year of professional experience in oncology or
  • in a course of studies in the natural sciences or engineering course of study at a German or foreign university or a degree recognised as equivalent at the level of usually four years of study or 240 ECTS credits or in courses of study with substantially the same content at a German or foreign university as well as at least two years of professional experience in oncology

Proof of a sufficient command of the English language

  • Your English language skills are assessed in the interview. Please note that the Master’s thesis must also be written in English.
  • Tuition fee 4,875 €¹ per semester
    ​​​​​​An administrative fee of 180 €¹ per semester will be charged additionally (subject to change)
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1. Semester:

Modul 1: Attendance Seminar (Introduction & Challenges)

Modul 2: Interdisciplinary Oncology

  • Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer
  • Diagnostics
  • Principles of Therapy and Treatment
  • Epidemiology

2. Attendance Seminar

2. Semester:

Modul 3: Clinical Research

  • Biometry
  • Clinical Trials
  • Ethical Aspects
  • Management (Clinical Research)

3. Attendance Seminar

3. Semester:

Modul 4: Advanced/Integrated Therapies

  • Clinical Oncology 1
  • Clinical Oncology 2
  • Integrated Therapeutic Concepts

4. Attendance Seminar

4. Semester:

Modul 5: Management

  • Business Administration for Advanced Oncology
  • Health Care Systems
  • Management of entities
  • Quality Control

5. Attendance Seminar & Summer School

Modul 6: Future Perspective

Master´s Thesis

Specialists in oncology & haematology: The “Master Online Advanced Oncology” program is particularly suitable for specialists in oncology and haematology, but also for physicians on their way to becoming specialists. The CME online program is based on the "ESMO/ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Oncology". Prerequisite is at least one year of professional experience in the field of oncology.

Physicians from other disciplines:

Physicians from other disciplines also benefit from the competencies acquired in the “Master Online Advanced Oncology”. The oncology CME online course is particularly suitable for the following specialisations:

  • General Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Gynaecology/ Obstetrics
  • Gastroenterology
  • ENT
  • Human genetics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pathology
  • Pediatrics
  • Radiology
  • Urology

The prerequisite is proof of one year of professional experience with cancer patient diagnosis or care or in oncological research.

Scientists: Graduates of natural science courses (pharmacy, biology, biophysics, chemistry) as well as engineering courses (medical engineering, biotechnology) also benefit from the competencies acquired in the “Master Online Advanced Oncology”. Prerequisite is at least two years of professional experience in the field of oncology.

More than 150 international experts impart up-to-date specialist knowledge at the university level:

  • Current therapeutic standards including integrated care concepts
  • Basics of molecular diagnostics and therapy
  • Basics of clinical research including statistics
  • Management of health care entities
  • Personal coaching

Accredited teaching material

  • 165 hours of lecture videos with interactive elements
  • Additional readings (relevant publications, library)
  • Self-testing and forum

Successful Blended learning concept:

  • More than 10 years of successful digital teaching and learning concept
  • Learning at your own pace: 90% free time allocation
  • Individual and flexible learning: spatially independent learning
  • 5 workshop seminars with international participants
  • University Degree - Academic Degree: Master of Science
  • 60 ECTS points

Continuing medical education "Interdisciplinary Oncology":

The 5-month certificate continuing medical education course “Interdisciplinary Oncology” gives you a comprehensive overview of the cellular and molecular biology of tumors. Current methods of molecular and imaging diagnostics (FISH, sequencing, NGS) and modern therapeutic principles (immunotherapy, drug therapy, surgery and stem cell therapy) will be presented and discussed. In the module "Epidemiology" you will learn about the principles of global tumour documentation and gain a comprehensive insight into statistics and the characteristics of tumour registers.

During the final seminar you will study the principles of action of modern therapeutics as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different molecular biological diagnostics, refresh your knowledge of biometrics and learn how to extract molecular diagnostics from databases independently.

In addition, you will be joining our Master's students for the communication and presentation training and may explore personal coaching.

Continuing medical education "Advanced Therapies in Oncology":

The 5-month certificate continuing medical education course "Advanced Therapies in Oncology" gives you an intensive insight into the entire field of Clinical Oncology. This includes the aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy of solid tumours as well as malignant neoplasms of the blood-forming system. In addition, you will learn and refresh other important aspects of comprehensive cancer care: palliative care, evidence-based complementary therapy concepts, pain management and psycho-oncology. Lectures and workshops on conducting conversations in a clinical context round off the continuing education and you also have the opportunity to take advantage of a personal coaching.

A very special highlight of this comprehensive continuing education: In cooperation with the European School of Oncology, a final week will be held as part of the international "ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology".


Studienberatung Advanced Oncology
Uni Ulm

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Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 06.2024