
The Bachelor of Arts in International Business (IB-E) prepares students with not only the fundamental knowledge of the full range of business disciplines, but also the important language and cultural skills necessary for a career in Germany and abroad. With all courses taught in English, non-German speaking students focus on learning German and the German business environment, while German students wishing to study an English programme focus on a third language and cultural area (mirroring our IBIS program).
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Quelle: HHN - Hochschule Heilbronn

Full-Time Programme

7 Semester tooltip
Bachelor of Arts
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Introductory Studies (1st and 2nd semesters)

Basics in Business Administration and Intercultural Studies

  • Business Administration
  • Intercultural Business & Human Resource Management
  • Methodological Foundations
  • Financial Accounting
  • Cost Accounting and Finance
  • Economics
  • Law I
  • Statistics and Data Skills
  • Management
  • Specific Language Studies
  • Area Language Studies

Advanced Integrated Studies (3rd and 4th semesters)

Specialised knowledge of study programme

  • Management Accounting & Taxation
  • Applied Data Science
  • Economics
  • Law II/International Law & Relations
  • Cultural and Economic Area Studies:
  • Specific Language Studies
  • Area Language Studies
  • Applied AI and Digital Business
  • Business Major
  • Business Minor

Internship Semester (5th semester)

Practical Experience

  • Deepening of business, linguistic and intercultural knowledge
  • An internship abroad is recommended
  • Your internship search is supported by the HIGHERED Global Talent Network and our extensive database of reports from previous internships

Advanced Integrated Studies (6th and 7th semesters)

Dispositional in-depth knowledge

  • Business Seminar
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Cultural and Economic Area Studies
  • Specific Language Studies
  • Business Major
  • Business Minor
  • Business Simulation
  • Leadership & Communication
  • Bachelor Thesis

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to IB-E, applicants must possess the following qualifications:

  • Higher education entrance qualification (i.e. Abitur, Fachhochschulreife, high school diploma, secondary education diploma, etc.)
  • Proficiency in English (at least B2) evidenced by one of the following:
    • TOEFL- minimum scores: 550 (paper-based version) / 213 (computer-based version) / 79 (internet version)
    • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE)- minimum grade C
    • TOEIC- minimum score of 730
    • IELTS- minimum level 6.0
    • Oxford Test of English (OTE) minimum score of 120 and level B2 in all modules
    • An English-language school-leaving certificate or another English-language university entrance qualification equivalent or a professionally qualifying degree from a university course of at least three years' duration with English-language coursework and examinations amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent.
    • A continuous stay of at least one year in an English-speaking country proven by studies at an English-speaking university, employment references or similar certificates.
  • German language skills must be proven by non-German speakers by the end of the 5th semester at the CEFR B1.2/B2 level, in order to continue in the IB-E programme.
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Selection Criteria

Admission decisions are based primarily on the overall grade of the applicant's higher education entrance qualification.

Additionally, the following is considered as part of the selection process and can elevate applicant's prospects of admission:

  • Completed vocational training (apprenticeship)
  • Special educational background, practical activities or extracurricular achievements and qualifications relevant to the IB-E programme. This includes intensive experience of at least six months' duration which demonstrates a particular affinity with one of the IB cultural areas (Germany, Eastern Europe, Francophone World, Hispanic Countries, Orient including North Africa).

Quelle: HHN - Hochschule Heilbronn

Applicants applying with a foreign entrance qualification.

Applicants applying with educational qualifications from non-German educational institutions (i.e., high school diploma, secondary education certificates, etc.) follow a 2-Step application process:

  1. Apply for certificate recognition with Studienkolleg Konstanz
  2. Apply to Heilbronn University (hochschulstart.de and university application)

Click here for more information about the application process for international students.

Applicants applying with a German entrance qualification.

Applicants applying with German entrance qualification (i.e., Abitur, Fachhochschulreife) follow the normal application procedure for Hochschule Heilbronn, which includes:

  1. Registration at Hochschulstart.de
  2. Application to Heilbronn University
  3. If you have a cultural affinity to an IBIS cultural area: completed data sheet on previous education or experience in one of the IBIS cultural areas, including a copy of proof.

Quelle: HHN - Hochschule Heilbronn

Checklist for Bachelor-applicants

General documents

  1. University entrance qualification (copy)
  2. Complete CV, chronological
  3. Proof of study orientation test (Studienorientierungstest)
  4. International applicants:
    Recognition of certificates from the Center for International Students, Konstanz
  5. Proof of English language skills (at least B2) (see “Admission Requirements”)

Specific documents

Please check if you need the following documents for your chosen Bachelor's programme as well:

Quelle: HHN - Hochschule Heilbronn


Claudia Pittel
HHN - Hochschule Heilbronn
+49 (0)7131 504 449

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Allgemeines zum Studiengang

Durch die Globalisierung und die zunehmenden internationalen geschäftlichen Beziehungen steigt auch die Nachfrage nach Wirtschaftsspezialisten, die das nötige Know-how besitzen, um grenzübergreifend arbeiten zu können. Im International Business Studies Studium erwirbst du daher umfassendes betriebswirtschaftliches und managementbezogenes Wissen. Auf diese Weise bildest Du Dich für zahlreiche Tätigkeitsfelder in den unterschiedlichsten Unternehmen im In- und Ausland weiter.

International Business Studies studieren

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Lieber woanders studieren

International Business (B.A.)


Am besten diesen Studiengang meiden. Hochschule hat massive Probleme mit der Organisation und IT-Infrastruktur. Noten sind zum großen Teil abhängig vom jeweiligen Professor und gerade in Gruppenarbeiten trägt man als Highperformer das ganze Team mit und wird dann durch die anderen runtergezogen. Dies teilweise auch dem geschuldet, dass gefühlt jeder, der halbwegs sein Abitur geschafft hat, angenommen wird. Die Studieninhalte sind auch nichts ganzes und nichts halbes. Im Endeffekt fühlt...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Verteilung der Bewertungen

  • 5 Sterne
  • 4 Sterne
  • 3 Sterne
  • 1
  • 1 Stern


  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung


¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.2024