going global with IBE

International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
I found the International Business & Economic Diplomacy Master's degree to be an exceptionally well-thought-through mix of disciplines, preparing students for career paths in the public and private sectors, as well as in international entities.

Overall, the lecture content was highly interesting and well-tailored to students' understanding, using a variety of different learning techniques such as case studies, business projects, debates, podcasts etc. to make the study content more accessible and engaging. In most cases, the lecturers were business professionals themselves, providing us with real-life insights instead of textbook estimations.

The part-time organization allowed for a perfect combination with professional life, as courses were reduced to two days a week, and every third weekend was held online. While almost all courses are held within the first three semesters, working and studying can get stressful at times, but it is manageable.

While commuting to Krems sounds unappealing to most, I have to admit that studying in a small town, away from the bustling city life, certainly has its perks. The community is very close-knit and supportive, making commuting to Krems almost feel like a study vacation.

To anyone considering this program, I have to say that graduating from IBE means attaining a highly valuable education with the advantage of having a supportive network from day one.
  • Highly valuable master's degree, very interesting study content, great community, good networking opportunities
  • too many group projects

Romana hat 1 Frage aus unserer Umfrage beantwortet

Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
  • Gibt es ausreichend Sitzplätze in den Hörsälen?
    Ich habe nie ein Problem damit, einen Sitzplatz im Hörsaal zu finden.
» Weitere anzeigen

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Matthias , 11.07.2024 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Tereza , 04.05.2024 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Mariella , 13.02.2024 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Maria , 15.11.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Greta , 10.11.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Daniel , 06.11.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Anna-Maria , 03.11.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Sarah , 17.09.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Valentina , 02.09.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)
Sabina , 01.09.2023 - International Business and Economic Diplomacy (Master)

Über Romana

  • Alter: 27-29
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Abschluss: Ich studiere noch
  • Aktuelles Fachsemester: 4
  • Studienbeginn: 2022
  • Studienform: Berufsbegleitendes Studium
  • Standort: IMC Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Krems GmbH
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 27.05.2024
  • Veröffentlicht am: 27.05.2024