Become a well equipped Digital Transformer

Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
I recently completed my first steps in the Master Study Course "Digital Transformation and Global Entrepreneurship" and I must say, it was an incredible experience. The structure of the program was very well thought out, with a perfect balance of theory and practical application. The content covered in the course was comprehensive and up-to-date, ensuring that we were well-prepared to handle the challenges of the modern business landscape.

The professors were experts in their fields, and they were always willing to help and support us whenever we needed it. They were approachable, enthusiastic and made the lectures very interesting and engaging. The team work was a big part of the program, which I found to be extremely beneficial. Working with other students from diverse backgrounds and cultures helped me develop new perspectives and gave me the opportunity to learn from different experiences and approaches.

The real-world companies' case studies and projects were one of the highlights of the program. We were able to apply what we had learned in real-world scenarios, which gave us a clear understanding of the practical implications of digital transformation. This helped us refine our skills and develop better ideas, which we could then apply to our future careers.

Overall, I found the "Digital Transformation and Global Entrepreneurship" program to be incredibly motivating and inspiring. It has given me the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the challenges of the ever-changing business world. The real-world experience and practical application have prepared me well for my future career, and I feel like a warrior who is ready to support companies in reaching their goals. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to stay ahead of the game in the digital world.
  • Structure of the course, content, professors, team work, motivation, real world case studies, projects, presentations.

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Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
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    Ich fühle mich durch mein Studium gut auf das Berufsleben vorbereitet.
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Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Behnaz , 07.04.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Marie , 13.03.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Shamema , 20.02.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Glafira , 20.02.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Ekene , 16.02.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Martin , 15.02.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Ekene , 13.02.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Lev , 10.02.2023 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Molly , 29.05.2022 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)
Dipanjan , 25.05.2022 - Di­gi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on and Glo­bal En­tre­pre­neurship (M.Sc.)

Über R.

  • Alter: 24-26
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Abschluss: Ich studiere noch
  • Aktuelles Fachsemester: 2
  • Studienbeginn: 2022
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Hauptstandort Neu-Ulm
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 20.02.2023
  • Veröffentlicht am: 25.02.2023